Ejercito de Salvacíon
The Salvation Army builds homes in the poorest areas and offers to care for children whose families are unable to provide food, clothing, and education opportunities. They also offer social services to the families and provide a loving safe place for the children to thrive and grow. Our SA home struggles to make ends meet and depends totally on donations from caring people. They desperately need more help and are looking for churches that want to get involved.
They offer church services Sundays at 10am.

The Latest Happenings at Ejercito de Salvacion
(24 children live here currently)

Boys dorm room

Girls dorm room

Darling kids

Christmas Party

Pinata at Posada

Kids dance performance

Make a Personal Difference -SPONSOR ONE CHILD
Would you like to get involved on a more personal level and sponsor one child at one of our 6 homes? It costs $50-$100 a month to provide for a child. We currently have 58 children that need a sponsor. Tell us below any information about the home or child you wish to Sponsor.
- A boy at Hogar San Pablo
- A young man at Refugio
- A young woman at Floreser
- A girl at Casa del Mar (Orfanatorio Mazatlan)
- A child from the Salvation Army Home
- A child from Ciudad de los ninos
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