FloreSer Home for Girls
We provide girls with a place where they feel safe and can grow up with their dignity intact. They focus on their studies, receive individual therapy, and live a healthy life full of possibilities.
FloreSer is an organization that is established in the city of Mazatlán, in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. It emerged in 2008 as a children's home to house girls between the ages of 9 and 18 who are victims of abuse, mistreatment and abandonment. Currently, FloreSer provides asylum and protection for 11 girls, offering them a safe and reliable environment.

Make a Personal Difference -SPONSOR ONE CHILD
Would you like to get involved on a more personal level and sponsor one child at one of our 6 homes? It costs $50-$100 a month to provide for a child. We currently have 58 children that need a sponsor. Tell us below any information about the home or child you wish to Sponsor.
- A boy at Hogar San Pablo
- A young man at Refugio
- A young woman at Floreser
- A girl at Casa del Mar (Orfanatorio Mazatlan)
- A child from the Salvation Army Home
- A child from Ciudad de los ninos
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