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Orfanatorio Mazatlán

The beginning of Tres Islas Orphanage Fund was in 1987 by Donelle Manton when she visited Orfanatorio Mazatlán while on a journalism assignment. When she asked the caregivers what the children were going to eat for their next meal, they responded that they didn’t know. Donelle went to the market and bought food.  Thus began the TRES ISLAS ORPHANAGE FUND.

Mission – Provide integral assistance and protection to minors who have been abandoned, neglected or abused through a program of up bringing and education with the goal of helping them become positive contributing members of society.


After the bubonic plague that devastated Mazatlán at the beginning of the 20th century, Doña Romanita de la Peña, as a very young girl, was moved with great compassion for the many children who were left orphaned with no one to care for them and no roof over their heads. Her philanthropic parents had taught her to love her neighbors and do good to others. Through much hard work and determination, the construction of an orphanage began on what is now the oldest institution of its kind in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. It was completed in December 1927. It continues to this day with the same goal of providing a home and attending to the needs of children and adolescents emotionally, physically, spiritually and psychologically, whether it be a temporary or permanent home, educating them and caring for them that they may become healthy well- adjusted individuals. We desire to provide a family life style and atmosphere, teaching the children values and providing those tools for their personal development. Throughout these 92 years Orfanatorio de Mazatlán, IAP has integrated productive, responsible persons into society. Some have reached high levels in their professions and education. Others have chosen religious vocations; some have been adopted and have enjoyed the opportunity to live in harmony with a new family.

Tres Islas Orphanage Fund has continued to supply weekly food for three nutritious meals each day. Tres Islas donors provide children with school supplies including uniforms, shoes, and backpacks.  Health and grooming aids are provided twice a year to an average of 12-15 children.  Tutoring is also provided.